Electronics Competency
We strive to provide our clients with the tools and the services they need in order to excel. We are proud of our portfolio, helping our partners at every level of their organization.

Core domain of embedded products – NPI, Pre-Sales to Design and Development and low volume Manufacturing, basically from concept to finished product!!
One of our core competency is in engaging right technical people with win-win engagement model
Firmware development with RTOS for complete product development.
Developing BSP (board support package), drivers, embedded applications, host support development
Technology such as Full Bridge/Half Bridge Inverters, Power Supplies , Renewable Energy ,Wireless Communication, Rocket Firing Units and Data Acquisition Units for Defense Establishments , Utility Metering
PCB design: high speed, multilayered complex PCB designs
Consultancy for IEC Standard Compliance for Medical
IEC 60601-1-1 – Medical device safety and essential performance
IEC 60601-1-2 – EMI/EMC
IEC 60601-1-8 – Alarm systems in medical product
IEC 60601-2-27 - Performance of electrocardiographic monitoring
Consultancy for IEC Standard Compliance for Industrial products
Electrical design: 32bit real time embedded microprocessor, DDR design at 230MHz, DSP board development
Experienced verification and validation team
Product developments process: Establish product development process for system design
Documentation: User Manuals, Product Brochures, Training Material, Technical Briefs, Presentations, Product Suite Document, Reference Guides, Administration Guides, Marketing Collateral, Language Editing, Proof Reading

Orcad: Schematic Capture
Orcad: PCB Layout
Pspice/LTSpice: Circuit simulation
PADS: PCB layout
Allegro: PCB layout
Hyperlynx: Signal integrity (Pre and post SI)
AVR, C18, IAR , Keil, DAVE, CodeWarrior, MPLAB, Cube Suite (CS), Cube MX compiler for microcontroller programming

Microcontrollers, DSP
8-bit/16-bit/32-bit controllers : Microchip(Atmel), TI, Renesas, Cypress , STM, NXP, Nuvoton, ARM, Infineon
Processors: DSP from TI, Blackfin
Operating signals
Low voltage high frequency analog, high speed digital (single ended and differential), various sensor integrations
IAR, GCC, MP-LAB, CCS, Keil, DAVE, CodeWarrior, MPLAB, Cube Suite (CS), Cube MX , Vx works, Linux RTOS
RF (wireless)
27MHz, 433/868/915MHz, 2.4GHz Bluetooth, passive/active RFID
Product lifecycle and process
Complete product lifecycle/process maturity
Test automation, system testing and validation